Soy Power Capsule in Pakistan

Product Detail

Soy Power Capsule Price in Pakistan

Green World Soy Power Capsule. Soy is flavones are known to have weak estrogenic hormones activity. Soy powder contains naturally occurring, beneficial phytonutrients in the form of compounds called isoflavones. Soy powder is the richest source of substances that can function as antioxidants. It can refresh women's moods and Makes women look younger and best to enhance vigor, lose extra-weight, and improve sleeping conditions. Soy power capsule protects especially the Osteoporosis and Heart Cancer. It prevents the bone-weakening process and maintaining strong and healthy bones as well as stimulations bones formulations. Now a Days Soy Power becomes Rich in women’s Lives and Gaining popularity in Pakistan and all over the World.

Soy Power ( isoflavones )

Soy isoflavones have antioxidant properties that protect the cardiovascular system from the oxidation of LDL [the bad] cholesterol. Our bodies require isoflavones to manufacture muscle tissue, hormones, enzymes, and other essential materials to keep the body functioning properly. Soy Power is a high-quality product that is derived from isoflavones. All the pre-menstruate tension, poor-quality sleep and arteriosclerosis, and cardiovascular diseases have been removed with Soy Power

Soy Power ( Estrogen Receptors )

Estrogens are signaling molecules that exert their effects by binding to estrogen receptors within cells [chemical] structures of endogenous estrogens. Estrogen receptors are present in numerous tissues other than those associated with reproductions including bone, liver, heart, and brain.

Soy Power Ingredients

The ingredient of this product is extracted from soybeans and is a natural alternative for artificial female hormones,

  • Semen glycine
  • Radix peonies alba extractor
  • Ganoderma
  • Soy is flavones

These All ingredients are 100 % Natural and manufacturing by Precious Herbs

Work Functions of Soy Power

Soy Power works as an estrogenic promoter In the case of a high level of estrogen caused by hormonal imbalance. Soy isoflavones and other phytoestrogens can bind to the estrogen receptors. Soy isoflavones have antioxidant properties that protect the cardiovascular system from the oxidation of LDL [the bad] cholesterol. It demonstrates anti-estrogenic effects by binding to estrogen receptors and mimics the effects of estrogen in some tissues. When estrogen increases & causes Hyperplasia, it forms an obstacle to the estrogen”s target organ. So this product can reduce the risk of hormone-associated disorders like breast hyperplasia and fibroid. Soy isoflavones and other phytoestrogens can bind to the estrogen receptors. Soy isoflavones have antioxidant properties that protect the cardiovascular system from the oxidation of LDL [the bad] cholesterol... Enriched with Ganoderma powder, This product supports optimal health, age retardation, keeps the skin soft, It helps enrich the skin and reproductive system of women, improves speckles. May be- such as bones, liver heart, and tissues affect many estrogen receptors. , it also helps menstrual disorder, vagina dryness, insomnia, ovary maintenance, and alleviates menopausal syndromes.

Soy Power Benefits

Soy power boasts some extraordinary nutritional benefits. Such as:

  • Reduces the loss of bone density, prevents osteoporosis, especially during and after menopause.
  • Slows Down the process of Ovary Functions.
  • Prevents breast cancer.
  • Prevents arteriosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases.
  • Improves mental activities, strengthens memory, and prevents dementia.
  • Slows down the aging process of doing old
  • Nourishes skin
  • It is best to make the skin soft. Smooth and flexible

Suitable For

Female with pre-menstruate tension, Postmenopausal syndrome.

  • Females with unbalanced female hormones, especially declined estrogens, lower bone density, or osteoporosis.
  • Females are infertile caused by low estrogen levels.
  • Females with poor-quality sleep insomnia or anxiety.
  • Females who intend to improve their sexuality.


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based On 1 reviews

Product Reviews Soy Power Capsule in Pakistan



It Prevents Ovarian Dysfunction, Osteoporosis, Breast Hyperplasia, And Delays Aging. Size: 300 Mg X 90 Capsules Soy Power.

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Soy Power capsule

2021-07-03 06:53:47
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